Support Us

Melbourne Opera’s Benefactors & Patrons Sponsorship Programmes are an exciting way for you to show your support for Melbourne Opera.

Support Melbourne Opera

Melbourne Opera has grown dramatically in the last three years and now occupies an important part in the cultural life of Melbourne. At the moment Melbourne Opera depends entirely on its box-office and on the generosity of its patrons and benefactors and does not enjoy public-sector support of any kind.

Melbourne Opera values deeply the generosity and support given by individual patrons – they play a vital role in maintaining the life of Melbourne Opera.

Why not consider contributing to The Melbourne Opera Public Fund as a Benefactor?

Donations to The Melbourne Opera Public Fund are tax deductible.

For details of the Programmes contact Robbie McPhee, Events and Sponsorship Manager.

Corporate Partnership Programme

Melbourne Opera’s new Corporate Partnership Programme has been created to provide leading Melbourne businesses with the opportunity to partner with Melbourne Opera and develop marketing strategies that demonstrate an equally strong reputation for professionalism, excellence, and contemporary thinking. Join the exciting world of opera!

Your corporate support will make a significant contribution to Melbourne Opera’s continued success, and your company will enjoy a high profile in the community as a major supporter of Victoria’s own resident opera company.

For further information, or to arrange a personal visit from one of our Sponsorship Specialists to discuss your requirements, please contact Corporate & International Business Development.

Melbourne Opera Public Fund

Melbourne Opera maintains a Public Fund to receive gifts. Melbourne Opera is listed on the Register of Cultural Organisations maintained by the Australian Government Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, and has been endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a deductible gift recipient.

Donations by individuals to the Melbourne Opera Public Fund are tax-deductible provided they fulfil the following conditions:

  • they are made voluntarily
  • they do not provide a material benefit to the donor, and
  • they essentially arise from benefaction, and detached and disinterested generosity.

Donation Form


Please make your cheque payable to Melbourne Opera Company Fund and forward to Melbourne Opera, P.O. Box 174 Collins Street West, Victoria, 8007. You will be issued with a tax deductible receipt. Donation acknowledgement on bank statements for credit card payments will be in the name of South East Regional Touring Opera Company Limited, (or part thereof).

Principal Benefactors

The Angior Family Foundation
Miss Margaret Attwood Testamentary Fund
Mr Keith Beard
Hansen Little Foundation
Mr Hans & Mrs Petra Henkell
Henkell Family Fund 2
Greg Hocking AM & Debra O’Connor
The Ian Potter Foundation
Dr Alastair Jackson AM
Mr Barry Janes & Mr Paul Cross
Lady Primrose Potter AC CMRI
Dr Douglas & Mrs Monica Mitchell
Mr Allan Myers AC KC and
Mrs Maria Myers AC
Mr Kenneth Reed AM
The Robert Salzer Foundation
Roy Morgan
Mr Andrew Sisson AO
Sylvia Fisher Fund
Vera Moore Foundation
Maureen Wheeler AO & Tony Wheeler AO
Michael Wright AM KC and
Maxine Wright


Beverly & Geoff Abbott
Mr Marcus Adamson
Ms Jennifer Anderson
Ms Sharyn Anderson
Australian Communities Foundation
Mr Philip Bacon AM
Alexandra Baker
Ian Baker & Cheryl Saunders AO
Ballandry (Peter Griffin Family) Fund
Anthony & Amanda Battaini
Ms Laurie Bebbington & Ms Elizabeth O’Keeffe
Doug Beecroft & Davydd Shaw
Ms Kirsty Bennett
Rita & Rob Benson
Ms Marja Berclouw
Mr David Bernshaw
The late Mr M Besen AC &
the late Mrs Eva Besen AO
Ms Minni Biggs
Binks & Associates
Mrs Ann Blainey
Penny Blankfield
Mr Richard Bloor
Mr Tom Bostock
Mr James Boyle
Ms Rosemary Boyle
Dr Matthew Bray
Mrs Shirley Breese
Ms Margot Brenton
Mr Doug Brown
Mrs Jannie Brown
Mr Stuart Brown
Eve Burchell
Ms Diana Burleigh
Professor Anthony Buzzard
Ms Pamela Caldwell
Nick Callinan AO & Libby Callinan
Mrs Janet Calvert-Jones AO
Mrs Jennie Cameron AM
Mrs Krystyna Campbell-Pretty AM
Dr Elizabeth Carew-Reid OAM
Ms Margaret Cash
Mr Chris Chaundy
The Hon Alex Chernov AC KC &
Elizabeth Chernov
Ms Diane A Clark
Mr Peter & Mrs Jan Clark
Mr Sandy Clark AO
Dr Terry & Mrs Julie Clarke
Deborah Collie
Mrs Elizabeth Comeadow
The Cope Williams Arts Foundation
The late Mrs Joan Cowan
Mr Stephen Crawford
Breen Creighton
Penelope Curtin
Mrs Joan Darling
Mrs Sue Darvall
Mrs Mary Davidson
Mr Ernest Dawes OBE & Mrs Nola Dawes
Dr Ian Dickson AM & Ms Lisa Dwyer
Mr Malcolm Dingle & Ms Ronnie Harrington
Julie Dodds-Streeton KC
Mr & Mrs John Dowling
Mr & Mrs Michael Dowling
Ms Marie Dreux
Mr John Drury OAM & Dr Dianne Drury AM
Mr Mark Duckworth & Ms Lauren Mosso

Ms Jane Edmanson OAM
Mrs Carmel Edwards
Ms Barbara Fergusson
Mr Rui Fernandes
Ms Evelyn Field OAM
Ms Denise Fifield
Mr David Francis
Mr Peter Gallagher & Ms Karen Morley
Mr Craig Galluci
Ms Leona Geeves
Mr Philip George
Ms Janet Gibson
Dr Stewart Gill OAM
Charles & Cornelia Goode Foundation
Mr & Mrs Tom Gouloupos
Mrs Dorothy Graff
Mr John Graham
Ms Nance Grant AM MBE & Mr Ian Harris
Ms Jocelyn Gray
Peter Griffin AM & Terry Swann
Mr Andrew & Mrs Ai-Gul Guild
Mr Alan Gunther
Dr Joe Hadju
Ms Margaret Haggart
Mr Ken & Mrs Anne Hanlon
Assoc Prof Laurence Harewood and
Dr Emma Lee
John & Donna Harry
Dr Peter & Mrs Melissa Hebbard
Ms Linda Herd
Mr Peter & Mrs Jenny Hordern
Mr Roger Howell
Ms Suzanne Hume
Mr Ross Illingworth
Mr David Jackson
Mr Gary Jaynes
Mr Basil & Mrs Rita Jenkins
Mr Chris Jessup
Ms Maria Jockel
Professor Lester Johnson OAM
Neil Kaplan CBE QC & Su Lesser
Mr Anthony Kennedy OAM
Dr Ian Kennedy AM & Dr Sandra Hacker AO
Mrs Margaret Kidd
Ms Suzanne Kirkham
Mr Jack Kirszenblat
Mr Richard Larkins AC & Mrs Caroline Larkins
Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation
Peter Lovell & Michael Jan
Ms Jennifer Marshall
Ms Anne-Marie Maschio
Mrs Ann Mattingly
Mrs Margaret Mayers
Mrs Fairlie McColl
Ms Elspeth McCracken-Hewson
Mr Murray McInerney
Mrs Liza McKern
Peter & Mary-Ruth McLennan
Drs Mark & Alla Medownick
Mrs Margot Melzak OAM
Christopher Menz & Peter Rose
Mietta Foundation
Mrs Jane Morris
Mr Dane Morrissy
Motet Fund, a charitable fund account of

Professor Kerry Murphy
Mr & Mrs Kenneth Neate
Mrs Anne Neil
David & Elizabeth Newton
Dr Paul Nisselle AM & Mrs Sue Nisselle
Ms Miki Oikawa
Mr & Mrs Vincenzo Paolucci
Mr Greg & Ms Alicia Payne
Mr Bill Pell
Perpetual – Van Straten Turley Foundation
Perpetual Foundation –
R Wilkinson endowment
Mr Mario Perrone & Mr Rick Kruse
David & Gayle Pitt
Peter Reilly OAM & Lynton Soderholm
Professor Gregory Reinhardt AM
Ms Margot Renton
Mr Chris Renwick AM &
Mrs Margery Renwick
The late Professor John Rickard
Mrs Elspeth Riggall
Mr Geoff Bush-Coote &
Mr Michael Riordan
Tom & Elżbieta Romanovski
Mr David Rooney
Peter Rose & Christopher Menz
Ms Valerie Russell
Ms Jennifer Ryan
Ms Mary Ryan
Mrs Merran Samuel
Mr Robert Sanderson
Professor Cheryl Saunders AO
Mr Aubrey Schrader
Mr Phillip Schudmak
Mr Paul Selar
Mr John Shellard
Mrs Lynne Sherwood
Ms Libby Smith & Mr John Middleton
Mr Barry Southern
Mr Geoffrey Stephenson
Professor Elsdon Storey AM &
Dr Christine Rodda AM
Mr Robert Stove
Mr John Studdert & Dr Dennis Mather
M & T Sutherland
James & Anne Syme
Tallis Foundation
Professor Hugh Taylor AC &
A/Professor Elizabeth Dax AM
Dr Peter Tregear OAM
Mr Michael Troy
Peter and the late Elisabeth Turner
Mr Peter Valder
The late Frank Van Straten AM &
Adrian Turley
Dr John & Mrs Marilyn Viggers
Mrs Pauline Walden
John & Suzanne Wark
Mr Peter Watson
Graham & Dawn Whiteside
Mr Raymond Wilkinson
Mr Robin Williams & Mr Donald Cant
Mrs Lyn Williams AM
Mr David Wilson & Stephen Bowie
Robert & Diana Wilson
Mr Chris Worth
Mr Renn Wortley

Anonymous donation in memory of Ara Vartoukian
Anonymous (5)